If 6 were 9

Happy Tuesday - 

It’s one of those weeks when Tuesday is really Monday, so I did wrestle with whether to post this on Wednesday-which-is-Tuesday, but I figured that we should celebrate getting to Tuesday so quickly.

A Baltimore-centric note: my son and I enjoyed our first sno-balls of the season.  The stand near us, which seems to have a pedigree as the oldest sno-ball stand *in the country* (?!) has changed ownership and raised the bar: I had honey syrup and homemade marshmallow–it was divine.  The spring-summer moment–it’s everything.

One of the weekend projects was getting the front garden bed planted.  It looks a little thin, but the soil’s been made rich through the work of the past couple of years, and there’s a good variety of things taking root and ready to bloom.  No analogy here. Nope.


Here to Serve


Fixing a hole